” Jones and Jones state James R

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No ads, not monetized, no bias. Just straight information and encouragement for teens to discuss health topics and take ownership of their bodies, their health and their decisions. Nothing replaces a live conversation with a respected adult, but I am trying at a minimum to get teens thinking and talking about health in a place […]

Under the direction of James Robson

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It was beautiful. This wasn’t just about a hockey team, it was about an entire city coming together. Who says sports has no impact on day to day life?Now hockey fans are left without their fix. That’ll explain why the potatoes cling to such steep fields above the ocean, then, too. They look so precarious […]

And theres never paper towels

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Ok, so the original source, Nobel Laureate Baruch Blumberg is the one to make this claim. Malaria may have contributed to as much as half of human deaths throughout history). With all the other diseases, wars male sex dolls, natural catastrophes, lack of medical care male sex dolls, wild animals, poisoning, etc throughout history, I […]